Non-profit OrganizationsCommunity OrganizationsNon Profits
8:30-5, M-F
About Us
A Supportive Community For All (SCFA) is a new 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission to create a more equitable Snoqualmie Valley by engaging, connecting, and supporting people and organizations to collaboratively build a community where all members can thrive.
Drawing on the collective impact and community power building models, we provide backbone support for people and organizations working together to build a Snoqualmie Valley where all people can thrive. We center communities most impacted by inequities in the co-creation and implementation of strategies intended to address inequities in health, housing, financial opportunity, and community connection. We practice equity leaderships skills in all areas of our work, acknowledging that the journey to a more equitable community is one that creates space to learn, make mistakes, repair, heal, and grow together.
We currently support the Snoqualmie Valley Human Services Coalition, Sno-Valley Pride, and are embarking on a microbusiness incubator study commissioned by the City of Carnation.
As an organization, our role is to build community power to support our partners in fulfilling their vision for transformative change. We would love to connect and explore partnership with community members who are working on projects of all sorts that will contribute to building a Snoqualmie Valley where everyone can thrive. If you are passionate about creating a more equitable Snoqualmie Valley, please reach out.